Sempre leio os artigos da Adriana Gracie.
Professora de Educação Fisica, Estudante do Curso de Pos-Graduacao da U.G.F,
Colunista da Revista Gracie Magazine, Orientadora Nutricional. Que trazem
muitas informações sobre uma alimentação saudável e bem prática. Mais textos e
informações é só conferir.
Agora são as frutas amarelas! Alimentação saudável resulta em melhor performance para os lutadores!
Em alimentos de cor amarela há antioxidantes que ajudam a saúde dos nossos
olhos. Cada fruta de cor amarelado têm uma ou mais substâncias que beneficiam
diferentes funções do nosso organismo.Esses alimentos têm algo em comum e ao
consumir de formas variadas eles podem trazer um mesmo benefício: a proteção da
O abacaxi tem como principal função melhorar a digestão, amenizando assim a
sensação de peso no estômago e previne a prisão de ventre.A bromelina é a
substância responsável por facilitar esse processo digestivo, é uma enzima que
participa das reações bioquímicas, acelerando assim a digestão.A bromelina age
no estômago quebrando as proteínas ingerida e também ativa a circulação
sanguínea. Concentra-se no miolo do abacaxi,a parte central e mais durinha da
fruta.Frutas como a banana e melão amarelo, entre outras frutas, contêm
zeaxantina e luteína, carotenóides que reforçam as proteções do sistema
imunológico, com grande ação antioxidante na área
dos olhos, reduzindo assim as infecções, cataratas e até mesmo uma possível
cegueira.Em relação ao maracujá foram feitas pesquisas da Universidade Estadual
de Campinas- Unicamp, que comprovam que ele realmente acalma e ainda age como
antioxidante. Foram estudados quatro tipos de frutas, inclusive o maracujá
azedo, o mais consumido no Brasil em forma de sucos.
Esse efeito calmante se deve à presença de
alcalóides, que tem propriedade anti-hipertensiva. Passiflorina é o nome de um
dos alcalóides presentes no maracujá, indicados nos casos de insônia, estresse,
pressão alta e ansiedade.As sementes do maracujá possuem ótimas quantidades de
ácidos graxos poli-insaturados, como ácido linoléico ômega-6 e palmítico, e
menor quantidade de linolênico ômega-3. Essas substâncias ajudam na manutenção das
membranas celulares e da transmissão dos impulsos nervosos.A banana é rica em
potássio sendo uma aliada da saúde do coração. Um estudo publicado na revista
americana Archives of Internal Medicine, feito com quase 3 mil pessoas, mostrou
que aumentar a ingestão de potássio e restringir a de sódio diminui em até 50%
os problemas causados pela hipertensão, como AVC-Acidente Vascular Cerebral e
infarto.Uma banana média fornece um terço da necessidade diária recomendada de
potássio. Estudos comprovam a importância do mineral para a função muscular
adequada, inclusive do coração. Há ainda duas substâncias que promovem o
bem-estar: o aminoácido triptofano e a vitamina B6. Ambos os nutrientes
participam da produção de seretonina, hormônio que causa sensação de relaxamento
e melhora do humor.
Antioxidants in common is helping the health of our
eyes. Each fruit has a yellow color or more substances that benefit different
functions of our organism. Have something in common foods and consume a variety
of ways they can bring the same benefit is to improve digestion, thus easing
the feeling of fullness and prevents constipation. Bromelain is the substance
responsible for facilitating the digestive process, is an enzyme that
participates in biochemical reactions, thereby accelerating the digestion. The
Bromelain acts in the stomach breaking down the protein intake and also
activates blood circulation. It focuses on the core of the pineapple,the
central part of the fruit.Fruits like banana and melon yellow, among other
fruits, contain lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which strengthen the
protections of the immune system, with high antioxidant activity in the area of
eyes, reducing infections, cataracts. Research was done at the University of Unicamp in Campinas , proving that
he really calm and still acts as an antioxidant. We studied four types of
fruits, including passion fruit , the most consumed in Brazil in the form of
This calming effect is due to the presence of
alkaloids, which has owned anti-hypertensive. Passionflower is the name of one
of the alkaloids present in passion fruit, indicated in cases of insomnia,
stress, high blood pressure and anxiety.The passion fruit seeds have great
amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-6 linoleic acid and
palmitic acid, and less of omega-3 linolenic acid. These substances help
maintain cell membranes and the transmission of nerve impulses.Bananas are rich
in potassium and an ally of heart health. A study published in the journal
Archives of Internal Medicine, made with almost 3000 people, showed that
increasing potassium intake and restrict sodium decreases by 50% the problems
caused by hypertension such as stroke and myocardial infarction.One medium
banana provides a third of the recommended daily requirement of potassium.
Studies show the importance of the mineral for proper muscle function,
including the heart. There are two substances that promote the well-being: the
amino acid, tryptophan and vitamin B6. Both nutrients participate in the
production of serotonin, a hormone that causes feelings of relaxation and
improved mood.
Antioxidants in common is helping the health of our eyes. Each fruit has a yellow color or more substances that benefit different functions of our organism. Have something in common foods and consume a variety of ways they can bring the same benefit is to improve digestion, thus easing the feeling of fullness and prevents constipation. Bromelain is the substance responsible for facilitating the digestive process, is an enzyme that participates in biochemical reactions, thereby accelerating the digestion. The Bromelain acts in the stomach breaking down the protein intake and also activates blood circulation. It focuses on the core of the pineapple,the central part of the fruit.Fruits like banana and melon yellow, among other fruits, contain lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which strengthen the protections of the immune system, with high antioxidant activity in the area of eyes, reducing infections, cataracts. Research was done at the University of Unicamp in Campinas , proving that he really calm and still acts as an antioxidant. We studied four types of fruits, including passion fruit , the most consumed in Brazil in the form of juices.
This calming effect is due to the presence of alkaloids, which has owned anti-hypertensive. Passionflower is the name of one of the alkaloids present in passion fruit, indicated in cases of insomnia, stress, high blood pressure and anxiety.The passion fruit seeds have great amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-6 linoleic acid and palmitic acid, and less of omega-3 linolenic acid. These substances help maintain cell membranes and the transmission of nerve impulses.Bananas are rich in potassium and an ally of heart health. A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, made with almost 3000 people, showed that increasing potassium intake and restrict sodium decreases by 50% the problems caused by hypertension such as stroke and myocardial infarction.One medium banana provides a third of the recommended daily requirement of potassium. Studies show the importance of the mineral for proper muscle function, including the heart. There are two substances that promote the well-being: the amino acid, tryptophan and vitamin B6. Both nutrients participate in the production of serotonin, a hormone that causes feelings of relaxation and improved mood.
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